An Immodest Proposal...
(i was never one for Jack Thompson)
Here's my immodest proposal:
Seems like there's not a lot going on with people in regards to my Exalted Game.
People are, for lack of a better word, lackluster regarding it. (Excepting Chase, who asks me about it all the time, and always suggests dates and times, and calls you all up to get you in. Thanks, Chase.)
SO: My proposal, really this time:
i can (A) Continue my game, as it has begun, in a day and time slot of the collective choice of the players, OR i can (B) Start a Mage: The Ascension Game, to give peeps a nice little change of pace. As i recall, the last time we had a good ol' game of WoD was Chase's Vampire game, and the last time we had a good ol' game of Mage, i got bribed by Lenny. Sounds good to me!!
Comments? Questions?
Oh, also: since i'm excruciatingly familiar with most of the M:tA system, i'll be able to handle more players. Hint, hint.