An Immodest Proposal...
(i was never one for Jack Thompson)
Here's my immodest proposal:
Seems like there's not a lot going on with people in regards to my Exalted Game.
People are, for lack of a better word, lackluster regarding it. (Excepting Chase, who asks me about it all the time, and always suggests dates and times, and calls you all up to get you in. Thanks, Chase.)
SO: My proposal, really this time:
i can (A) Continue my game, as it has begun, in a day and time slot of the collective choice of the players, OR i can (B) Start a Mage: The Ascension Game, to give peeps a nice little change of pace. As i recall, the last time we had a good ol' game of WoD was Chase's Vampire game, and the last time we had a good ol' game of Mage, i got bribed by Lenny. Sounds good to me!!
Comments? Questions?
Oh, also: since i'm excruciatingly familiar with most of the M:tA system, i'll be able to handle more players. Hint, hint.
(i was never one for Jack Thompson)
Here's my immodest proposal:
Seems like there's not a lot going on with people in regards to my Exalted Game.
People are, for lack of a better word, lackluster regarding it. (Excepting Chase, who asks me about it all the time, and always suggests dates and times, and calls you all up to get you in. Thanks, Chase.)
SO: My proposal, really this time:
i can (A) Continue my game, as it has begun, in a day and time slot of the collective choice of the players, OR i can (B) Start a Mage: The Ascension Game, to give peeps a nice little change of pace. As i recall, the last time we had a good ol' game of WoD was Chase's Vampire game, and the last time we had a good ol' game of Mage, i got bribed by Lenny. Sounds good to me!!
Comments? Questions?
Oh, also: since i'm excruciatingly familiar with most of the M:tA system, i'll be able to handle more players. Hint, hint.
At 10:13 AM,
Brian Armitage said…
Hmm. I like the idea, but am involved in several games as it is. Put me down as "enthusiastic but iffy."
At 2:06 PM,
Prax Kell said…
My schedule sucks as of late, things keep getting in the way of stuff. I haven't even run MY game in weeks. I'm not partial to WoD any longer, so if you end up doing Mage, count me out.
At 3:11 PM,
Duckmu said…
Would this be the way we used to play that allows us to commit all sorts of magic fouls without paradox backlashing us, or the one it actually sets it down in the books?
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
At 4:21 PM,
Third said…
depends if you want to need it or not.
At 4:51 PM,
Brian Armitage said…
Amen, and amen.
At 2:15 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
I might be interested in your Mage game, if I knew any details about it...
-Where's it going to be set?
-What's the focus? Action, subterfuge, etc?
-Will Lance be in it and to what capacity?
At 8:23 PM,
Third said…
in response to John's questions:
-Setting is always tricky. It's tempting to set it in Sacramento, as usual, but that gives us the risk (and/or temptation) of terrible context problems. My latest idea is to make it a Dark Ages game.
-Focus will depend on the setting, but will probably follow my usual plan of off-key intrigue/sleuthing with action applied to supplement via carrot/stick techniques.
-No matter what the setting, probably not, unless i want to put say, MewTwo in to balance him out.
At 12:47 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
Now a Dark Ages game would be neat!
At 9:17 PM,
Third said…
i think you mean "then," not "now."
At 10:44 PM,
The American said…
I would like to say the following...
A) a middle ages mage game sounds cool
B) you're sexy so stay that way
C) I hope that the new job is going well
That's my pocket of change on this matter, night.
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