The Knoll Blog

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I'm back.

Or, as Drake would say: "FINALLY! The Rock... eh, Brian... has come back to Sacramento!"

I'm currently staying at Mum's, in order to save up cash for a few months and then find a place to live.

For my new phone number, please contact me through e-mail (found on my Blogger profile), MySpace, or what have you.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

i can think of a couple of you who will like this...

the rest of you may be horrified.

Friday, March 24, 2006

I can't scroll down anymore. Curse you CODY!

Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ok, anyone looking for a job that is a student with 6 units or more, there is an opening for a student assistant position at CalPERS, downtown at Lincoln plaza. You have to be able to work 8-4 Tuesday and Thursday and (as stated before) have 6 semester units (or nine quarter units). It's a pretty easy job, making copies, getting stuff ready for meetings, etc. So yeah, anyone looking for a new job, this could work. There is also the possibility that you can get some hours on MWF, but you must be able to work the Tuesday/Thursday hours or else it's no go. Also, you need to be able to get yourself downtown for this. And the important thing that is on your mind THE PAY! It's not bad. It's based on your total units. If you less than 60 units you'll start between 7.86 and 8.40 and hour, if you have more that 60 but no more than 120 it's 8.40 - 9.03. And after that it goes up the longer your here (it takes a while and doesn't go up much, but it's a decent job and it gets you in good with the state should you ever wish to pursue a state career). So yeah, anyone who would like to try for this job let me know and I'll talk to some people able getting an interview. If not, this post will rot. I don't know if Jess can view the Knoll (did we make it private?) but if someone wants to pass this onto her too, that would be great. I want someone I know to get this job.

Monday, March 20, 2006

I love the pictures. Now it looks like the people who contribute to this blog actually have fun.
Hey Adrienne... i would have sent you an e-mail, but i don't know the address... Could you possibly hook up Miss Liesel Ladyface with a Knoll Blog invite? i happen to know that while she's never been on the ACTUAL knoll (Neither have Cody or Drake, i would hasten to add...) she reads this blog pretty regularly, and often gets frustrated when she can't reply. Seeing how we've had a spam poster or two on here, do you think you could get in touch with her on her LiveJournal, which is, AIM (BUZNERSK) or otherwise in person (at omgphonenumbereditedoutsopeopledon'tstalkyourgirlfriend?) i'm sure she would greatly appreciate it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

ok, time for anouncements... There is a super hero game. Anyone can join, everyone is invited, but this is a pick-up game so and I will be running it on and off, with or without players. there are some restrictions, so buzz me about character idea's. There will not be random powers asigned.

Monday, March 13, 2006

So Lenny first brought this up, and I know I've mentioned it to Adrienne but I thought I'd post it here:

I think for the time being we should not worry about gaming for the group, and instead focus on getting together and just hanging out. We spend so much time worrying about playing DnD it puts stress on Chase to plan, and then stress on us to get together... and it just kills the fun I think. I say we try and get together instead and like hang out, make dinner or something one night and do stuff like that. Hell, go bowling or something I dunno. We can still game without stessing ourselves out for DnD.


Monday, March 06, 2006

Adrienne and I have returned from Tahoe. It was great weekend, though it didn't last nearly long enough. With that said, someone figure something out for running games. I haven't had time to plan a game with all the business that's been up, so I can't run this week anyway. But I can have something set up for the following week (assuming there's nothing important going on that I have forgotten or just don't know about yet). So yeah.

Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Since we have opened up the veritable pandora's box of linking podcasts on the knoll blog, I highly recommend Ask A Ninja.
I'm going to take this opprotunity to express my displesure with the absloute lack of gaming thats been happening... Even I haven't been able to run anything. This makes me sad.