Hey Adrienne... i would have sent you an e-mail, but i don't know the address... Could you possibly hook up Miss Liesel Ladyface with a Knoll Blog invite? i happen to know that while she's never been on the ACTUAL knoll (Neither have Cody or Drake, i would hasten to add...) she reads this blog pretty regularly, and often gets frustrated when she can't reply. Seeing how we've had a spam poster or two on here, do you think you could get in touch with her on her LiveJournal, which is Badlovemojo.blogspot.com, AIM (BUZNERSK) or otherwise in person (at omgphonenumbereditedoutsopeopledon'tstalkyourgirlfriend?) i'm sure she would greatly appreciate it.
At 8:13 AM,
Duckmu said…
Which remind me via some obscure path, we finially got the pictures deveolped. We got one of those CD's of them so which would you prefer we send? A CD or the actual pictures?
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
At 10:49 AM,
Brian Armitage said…
Post some on here!
At 10:17 PM,
Lagartixa said…
All you people have to do is let me know and things will get done!
E-mail that I check more than the others is Lakivamp at hotmail doodiedot com.
At 10:34 PM,
badlovemojo said…
Mooheehoohaha! Thx, all! I may have never actually been on the actual knoll, but I can pretend! "ahh yeah. the knoll. yup yup. no grass. little hill. good times". See?
Let the Knoll Blogging begin!!!
(also, thankee for editing out muh phone number... :)
At 4:26 AM,
Third said…
Sweet on all counts!
Also: a CD works great for me.
At 9:54 PM,
Duckmu said…
Actually, it has grass now, and I think a cement path running through it.
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
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