The Knoll Blog

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


1/26 Wed 2-830pm
1/27 Thu 2-830pm
1/28 Fri Off (At Sac City Zoo Noon-5pm for field work)
1/29 Sat 2-830pm

Hey Adrienne, I'd like to see if we could coordinate a drinking night sometime in the near future...


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Although I'm not involved with the Abyssals game, I thought I should post my schedule as well:

Tues 1/18 2-830pm
Wed 1/19 2-830pm
Thu 1/20 4-1130pm
Fri 1/21 OFF, But have class in afternoon
Sat 1/22 OFF

As some of you may know, yesterday was my birthday (yay for legal drinking!). I was unable to do much of anything because of work and what ideas I did have were put on hold because Lenny was unable to attend. So, I'd like to do something Saturday in the afternoon/evening with people. Possibly dinner and a movie, as I haven't seen Elektra and I would like to see House of Flying Daggers (although I know some of you have seen it).

If you're interested, let me know.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Ok, if those people in my Abyssal game would like to start any time soon it they would do well to post availability. Drake, Carolyn, and Lenny, let me know if this Thursday or this coming Sunday are good. These are the possible days for play. Let me know what times you have any plans and maybe you can all be horrible in a D10 system again (instead of just D20).

Quack Quack Emu Sound

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

My friend Christy has recently taken up crocheting, and has made some beanies and scarves. She's selling them for $7 apiece. Anyone interested in something warm and fuzzy to wrap around your head should e-mail her at

Warm and good. Mmm.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

i've taken the liberty of filling out what i've come to call "The Secular Humanist Manifesto Questionnaire." Since it's quite long even when the answers aren't inserted, it would clutter this page considerably. Further, it's content of a spiritual/religious nature, which may be objectionable to sensitive parties. Because of both of these, i've posted it as a comment. See below.


Thursday, January 06, 2005

Ok, nevermind. Adrienne can't play, and this isn't going to be playable without all the characters. So we'll just have to wait for another day.

Quack Quack Emu Sound

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

So everyone involved in the Abyssal game who would like to play this week, post your schedule for Friday. We might just be able to start this thing.

Quack Quack Emu Sound

Sunday, January 02, 2005


Sun 1/2 2pm-830pm
Mon 1/3 2pm-830pm
Tue 1/4 OFF
Wed 1/5 2pm-830pm
Thu 1/6 OFF
Fri 1/7 5pm-1130pm
Sat 1/8 5pm-1130pm


If you haven't seen Zatoichi (2003) yet, I highly recommend it.