The Knoll Blog

Sunday, August 19, 2007


The state fair is here. Don't think i didn't notice.
Now, i'm tired of pussyfooting around scheduling, so you all have one of the following options, in order of desirability:

1) Post your schedule here and we'll all figure out a lovely evening that works for everyone.

2) Figure whatever happens, happens, and risk getting stuck at work or tacos or whatever the evening that Lenny, Cody and i decide we're going, and wrangle anyone who's ready at the moment.

if those options sound eerily familiar, you should think about option one.



  • At 2:25 AM, Blogger John Ostermiller said…

    Considering I work evenings mostly right now, I will be completely free monday. I have Saturday off as well, but I have a charity event planner with the Sacramento Star Wars Society that will probably take most of the day/afternoon/evening.

  • At 9:38 AM, Blogger The American said…

    Ok here it is...

    Mon- Off
    Tues- 5-10/1:30
    Wed- 5-10/1:30, practice 5-8p
    Thurs- 5-10/1:30
    Fri- 5-10/1:30
    Sat- Off
    Sun- 5-10/1:30

    When school starts I'll be a lil more busy taking classes Tues-Sat, but I'm looking forward to it. I hope the State Fair is worth going to this year.

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Third said…

    Well, i was expecting a better turn out than that, but at the moment it's looking like the best time is Saturday afternevening. Now that we have a definite date, can i hear a yea/nay vote?

  • At 2:43 PM, Blogger Third said…

    From anyone, that is.

  • At 3:24 PM, Blogger John Ostermiller said…

    Well, Chadrienne went last Sunday.

    As for Saturday, I'm off but I already said I've got plans for the afternoon. Seth will probably be over at Great Escape Games for some wargaming, so there's a good chance I'll be somewhere in the area after the charity business, I think.

  • At 10:08 PM, Blogger The American said…

    I have inventory this saturday but next saturday might just be the day to do it.

  • At 12:26 AM, Blogger John Ostermiller said…

    That could work out well, I have like that evening off... I think my shift ends around 3pm.

  • At 12:27 AM, Blogger John Ostermiller said…

    Saturday 9/01 that is.


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