were all gamers here and being that we are i could like to hear the answer to these two question
1. what makes a good video game
2. what would be your choose new gen system
im carious to hear what you guys have too say and little later il post some of my observations
peace off
the high king of NON
1. what makes a good video game
2. what would be your choose new gen system
im carious to hear what you guys have too say and little later il post some of my observations
peace off
the high king of NON
At 11:14 PM,
Lagartixa said…
For me, good video games have to have a good story. They need to give you a reason to make you want to play the game. Soul Reaver starts off with the main character getting his wings torn off and thrown into the abyss, who wouldn't want revenge?!?!
They also need to have a fun play style (for lack of a better phrase). Metal Gear Solid is great because you can choose to be sneaky and avoid enemies or you can run right in guns a blazing.
Replayability is a bonus (I have beaten Parasite Eve somewhere around 10 times just because I could).
Sound, graphics and camera angles are secondary for me but they should fit well with the rest of the game.
As far as next gen systems go I really can't decide between the Wii and the Playstation 3. The Wii looks very fun and Nintendo has finally reopened the door to 3rd party developers opening some interesting doors. The Playstation 3 sounds like it has a lot of promise once they work out some bugs and get some strong releases. XBox has never really done it for me. They had some good games but nothing that I couldn't live without. Since the 360 has been out for a year without any must-have games I really don't see then coming out with anything spectacular.
All in all I'll probably get a PS3 since most of the games I love are having sequels on that system (blue ray is nice too).
At 3:15 AM,
23r0 said…
il say two thing one i want a wii hands down i think for me the question is which is the 2th system i want and to that i say this if mental gear solid 4 get ported 360 all the way but i maight get a PS3 if they drop the fucking (+ $200) blue ray player cuz to be honest im not read to part with my DVDs and it will be a good while yet before i would even own a TV that i could tell the defranice on any
At 8:51 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
I think immersion is a huge part of the game's sucess or failure. And by immersion, I'm making a cop-out catch all phrase that includes:
Control - i.e. ease of use, and good amount of control over what you can do in the world.
Atmosphere - mood/sound/lighting/graphics are key. They can help you forget you're playing a game.
It also really depends on the genre we're talking. Obviously, in something heavily story driven like an RPG, I'm going to care about the story ALOT. Whereas something like Gears of War or Halo... well, story is good, but it's not at the forefront. Most of the games I gravitate to now are more sandbox in nature - Tony Hawk's Project 8 or GTA.
Although if you have a chance to play Splinter Cell: Double Agent, do it. It's got alot of replayability on the sheer fact that nearly every objective in the entire game is optional. Gone are the '3 alerts and game over' conditions. All that matters is the trust you're trying to cultivate between the NSA and the terrorist cell known as the John Brown Army. Rawkin'. Do you kill the chopper pilot who's helo you hijacked after busting your mark out of prison? If you don't, the JBA won't trust you - but if you do, the NSA isn't going to be happy about you killing civilians. Lose too much trust or get caught spying on your 'friends' at their HQ and it's game over. There's on intense moment where you're positioned to snipe a 'mole' in the JBA - but he's really your CIA counterpart. The NSA has hacked your comm line, and you've got handler and the head of the JBA screaming for you to not do it/shoot him.
As for my console of choice... well, we know how that's turned out. XD
It's not that I don't like Sony... I owned a PSone afterall... but I prefered the Xbox's library of 'quality over quantity'. There were some pretty awesome 'exclusives' (Jade Empire, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, Halo, Splinter Cell...) and the other titles I wanted were pretty much cross-platform. At the moment, Microsoft's got a year start on Sony with their triple A titles starting to flow. Most of the games out on PS3 are not exclusive content, but shoe-horned cross platformers. Once the programmers figure out the PS3's finnicky architecture (sp?) we should start seeing some good games. And crap, I've got to go to work now.
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