Fine Lenny, I'll make a post about shoes. I like wearing shoes. They keep my feet warm. Most people can be found wearing shoes on their feet, unless they don't have the license points in which case they will have to improvise. A lot of people wear Converse, especially among our group of friends. Me? I wear Vans usually. They are comfy and look good with my monstrously sized feet. I had a cat once that loved smelling my shoes when I got home from school. He would stick his whole head in my shoe then start purring while covering my shoe in drool. On that note I conclude my post about shoes.
At 11:57 PM,
Lenny said…
OMG Shoes!!!!
At 12:01 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
don't you have papers to write young man?!?!
zomg shoes?!!11!
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