The Knoll Blog

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Okay, can i safely schedule Zombie Apocalypse for this Wednesday?
If so, i have a note to make about the game that was suggested to me:
If a session of Zombie Apocalypse is scheduled, and any given player is a no-show without alerting me at least the day before: They're zombie food, automatically.
It's a Zombie-Eat-PC world out there.


  • At 10:31 PM, Blogger John Ostermiller said…

    Out of curiosity was the game at Brian's scheduled or thrown together last minute?? I'm just curious if a no-show is zombie food for those too... i doubt it. but never know. mmmmmbrains. and how do we confirm for sure when there will be games??? Sounded like Lenny cancelled the last one. =/ That or he didn't want to play so we didn't have a place??? kthxbye!

  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger Third said…

    For future reference, if there is a schedule, it'll be here. If there is a schedule here, any game that it refers to can safely be considered to be scheduled.

  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger Third said…

    Oh, and as for confirming when there will be games: Asking is the best plan i can think of.

  • At 5:43 PM, Blogger Lenny said…

    Wednesday works for me as long as we don't go too late.

  • At 2:33 PM, Blogger The American said…

    If we start early enough I don't have a problem...bc it's my birthday tomorrow!!!!!


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