So, after many years of playing Ork I've finaly taken up the mantle of the emperor and joined his holy fight against the mutants and heritics. So, as a grand inquisitor of the Ordo Heriticus I must purge myself of the Xeno scum. For you laymen, I speak of course of Warhammer 40K. While I know Cody wants to play Imperial guard, Brian had passing interest in Tyrinid, and Lenny I think had interest in being a fellow Witch Hunter, I'd like to send my filthy Xeno collony to a safe domicile, so I may hunt them myself. Long story short I got much of my army on the cheap and I'm willing to pass the savings on to any heritic willing to rule the green skins. We can talk about price or trade for any or all Orky junk. Maybe then John and I will have some more compitition for galactic control. Tee Hee!
Clense... Purge... Kill!
For the Emperor.
Clense... Purge... Kill!
For the Emperor.
At 12:18 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
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