Ok, Neko is turning 24 and after many years of NOT celibrating there is finaly somthing to jump for joy about: I won't be 23 anymore! This is good becuase it means poeple can start liking me again. While I don't know the exact date due to my sparatic work schedule, I would like to do it some time after the 6th. I mention this ahead of time so people can check their schedule's, but also so I might solicit sugestions for when's, what's, and where's, of partyness. Sugestions welcome.
Side note: I will be making bao for this gala, but I can't feed a throng of persons, and I do look forward to seeing a whole throng of persons.
Side note: I will be making bao for this gala, but I can't feed a throng of persons, and I do look forward to seeing a whole throng of persons.
At 12:29 PM,
The American said…
(note that this is merly a suggestion from a poor man) I say that we make this a double party of life because my birthday is on the 8th which is a Wednesday and it's hard to have a party during the week. Apperantly turning 23 is going to be bad =( but I dont understand why? Oh well I guess I will live on and endure the pain...anyways if this is ok with you Neko *older b-day boy* then I would like to help combine efforts for a awsome gathering. Ehhh either way let me know.
At 2:13 PM,
Duckmu said…
Turning 23 isn't the bad thing, it's just that when you're 23 everyone hates you. Just one of those universal facts.
Anyway, I suggest Drake has a good idea. Double party! And if you sweet talk Adrienne she might be willing to help make bao or make fresh sushi. She's a sushi maker. It may not look like the fanciest sushi around but it seems to be yummy. As for when, I'd say your best bet is the weekend after Drake's actual B-Day to give people time to adjust their schedule and make it to the party.
And happy early -Day to you both!
Yay old!
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
At 6:18 PM,
Prax Kell said…
This is a capital idea! We have similar friend pools anyhow. Capital...CAPITAL! and I loves sushi.
At 10:34 AM,
badlovemojo said…
Oooooh I loves me a party!
I will happily come and eat your food and join in your revels.
...Or maybe I could make some dessert. That's like, the one thing I can safely make.
At 12:55 PM,
23r0 said…
hey if any one likes flame i can make gress fires :D
At 11:57 PM,
Prax Kell said…
OFFICAL DATENESS! Next friday is excelent for me. Please tell me if this is good for you. In other news, I have no cell phone.... so just leave me posts here.
At 9:58 PM,
John Ostermiller said…
I'm free after 7pm
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