will let me make afew cerflay it seemting sony has two games i want to cheek out now MSG4 and white night sotory so let me hope that the PS3 turns out then a glorfaed HD buleray pplayer but i thinkk im going do what i should of done in the frist like i have with every systeem wight a year and see what happens ( and to see if my wallet will stop being anrexic) that being siad i think my money would be better spent upgradeing my computer for Spore `and TF2 oh and sorry for the rabit fan boyism i should know better cusez let face it if i had the founds i would i would take all 3 and maybe there will come a time when i will anyhow i need to rest my head and stop looking at the net
PS3 - Hoping Sony gets it public relations with fans on better footing. At this point I see them having a very slim 1st place lead or even 2nd place. Although I'm definitely interested in what they're going to do.
XBOX 360 - It's been out a year, and I've yet to find a 'must have' title... although I want to play GRAW (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter) I wont be buying this system probably until HALO 3.
At 9:19 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
Baby, you had me at HENSHIN!
At 4:25 PM,
Lenny said…
Well Somebody other than me needs to get a PS3 so I can play that game.
At 2:39 AM,
23r0 said…
will let me make afew cerflay it seemting sony has two games i want to cheek out now MSG4 and white night sotory so let me hope that the PS3 turns out then a glorfaed HD buleray pplayer but i thinkk im going do what i should of done in the frist like i have with every systeem wight a year and see what happens ( and to see if my wallet will stop being anrexic) that being siad i think my money would be better spent upgradeing my computer for Spore `and TF2
oh and sorry for the rabit fan boyism i should know better cusez let face it if i had the founds i would i would take all 3
and maybe there will come a time when i will anyhow i need to rest my head and stop looking at the net
At 4:06 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
Current Mood about Games:
Wii - I want to play this system, already!
PS3 - Hoping Sony gets it public relations with fans on better footing. At this point I see them having a very slim 1st place lead or even 2nd place. Although I'm definitely interested in what they're going to do.
XBOX 360 - It's been out a year, and I've yet to find a 'must have' title... although I want to play GRAW (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter) I wont be buying this system probably until HALO 3.
At 9:49 AM,
Third said…
My problem isn't so much that my wallet is anorexic as much as it's bulemic.
At 1:12 AM,
23r0 said…
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