It is a heavy burden i bear, but those of you who do not know deserve to hear:
E3 is Cancelled. Indefinitely.
Do not be fooled by the cartoon-style nature that PA often gives news in, read the news post... it is... sadly true.
A minute of silence please at the least, for this monument of gaming...
E3 is Cancelled. Indefinitely.
Do not be fooled by the cartoon-style nature that PA often gives news in, read the news post... it is... sadly true.
A minute of silence please at the least, for this monument of gaming...
At 9:58 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
In the words of Francis Ottoman from rival PvP:
At 11:51 AM,
Brian Armitage said…
For a discussion of what's going on see This Week in Tech Episode 64.
At 8:43 PM,
Lenny said…
After the initial shock of hearing that I just have to say oh well. It really just means that I'll have to acutallu patrol game news sites for choice morsels of information as opposed to gorging myself on the scraps tossed out by the cabal of gamers, journalists, and publishers that are privledged to attend the event.
At 12:41 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
Well, I was thinking about it afterwards, and I realized several things.
I dont go to E3.
I get my news from videogame mags.
Videogame mags will still get news.
In the end, I'll still get my news.
On another note, my other reaction was that they were "considering altering the size/scope" of E3's format. If they blow less money on bullshit and more on games, so much the better. So what if I don't get my near pornographic booth babes? That's what the internet is for.
At 3:08 AM,
23r0 said…
I guess im a sucker for circus I wanted to go to a E3 at lest once in my life oh will just one more thing to tell the kids like the times before there was a web....
maybe nintendo will work onmother 3 for the GBA and sonny can cover there fat have nothing asses
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