Since you're in France, Liam, you should go ahead and learn Savat in it's native country. And while not nearly as cool as Capoeira it's pretty brutal looking.
Savat Video . Even if you would only learn it for a few months, you could then be a french badass,
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
Savat Video . Even if you would only learn it for a few months, you could then be a french badass,
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
At 4:39 PM,
Third said…
um... okay...
is it just me, or is that just plain kickboxing with a french name?
Like, i've seen people do that at the cardio-kickboxing gym near my home in Curtis Park... All this does is reinforce my present opinion that the French are pussies. What overweight, overpaid Americans do just to stay closer to healthy, the French do as a Martial Art. Boo.
At 10:47 PM,
Duckmu said…
Well, the majority of the kickboxing I've ever seen tends to dissolve into boxing, with an occassional kick or knee thrown in so it's not just two guys hugging each other and throwing uppercuts. This stays alot closer to the kick part of kickboxing, and as a fan of kicking stuff, I think it's better than our kickboxing. Now the athletes in the video do look like pansies. But I suspect they may be able to take a great beating than most frenchmen. SO these are the cream of the French crop. But that doesn't mean that their martial art necessarily sucks.
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
At 7:51 PM,
Third said…
Listen Chase...
i hate stereotypes. i do. Honestly.
But the French... seriously...
are pussies.
i was a huge opponent of that viewpoint when i was at home. i used to spend a lot of time citing the prolific military history of the Gaullic tribes who conquered the Romans, and that French soldiers made up the vast majority of the Crusades, and the French involvement of the war of 1812, which nobody talks about in the US because we got our asses handed to us like they were hats, etc. etc. etc...
Like... i even went to one of their "Riots" while they were still having one here, over the OUTRAGEOUS idea that an employer could EVER fire you if you fucked up... but even at a damn RIOT the French were pussies! i.... i don't even know how to continue... maybe we can talk about it in person when i come back. i just... i... whatever.
At 2:18 AM,
Lenny said…
I think you should definitely take savate. Not so you can learn it but so you can take the beginning classes and lord your superior skill over the lowest rank students.
At 3:22 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
I say show the old country your kung fu.
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