That time is good for me, so while I'm posting I might as well post the following:
I need all my players to contact me with answers to the following:
1.) What does your character want to do? Be specific, this question is muy importante'.
2.) How does your character feel about the Lich king? again, be specific.
3.) How does your chacacter feel about the various peoples around the palace? i.e: Trolls, Orcs, Pirates.
4.) Do you want to continue this game or start another now that the main story arc is complete?
Note: If anyone says "I don't care." I swear I will kill somthing. I need feedback people. Please awnser honestly and specificaly.
Ok, now that thats taken care of, either leave your awnsers here or E-mail them to me for confidentionality.
I need all my players to contact me with answers to the following:
1.) What does your character want to do? Be specific, this question is muy importante'.
2.) How does your character feel about the Lich king? again, be specific.
3.) How does your chacacter feel about the various peoples around the palace? i.e: Trolls, Orcs, Pirates.
4.) Do you want to continue this game or start another now that the main story arc is complete?
Note: If anyone says "I don't care." I swear I will kill somthing. I need feedback people. Please awnser honestly and specificaly.
Ok, now that thats taken care of, either leave your awnsers here or E-mail them to me for confidentionality.
At 2:40 PM,
Third said…
Personally, i don't really care.
At 9:00 PM,
Duckmu said…
There shouldn't be a period after saying "I don't care", it's not a complete sentence. That should be a comma. Thank you.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
At 1:11 AM,
Third said…
"I don't care." is, in fact, a complete sentence. The subject is "I," and the verb phrase is "Do Care," modified by "Not."
At 3:59 PM,
Brian Armitage said…
*Sachiel the one-handed Blackguard scratches his chin carefully with his hook, pondering the questions...*
I ask myself that every so often. What I really want to do is establish a cult of Vecna. Only without anyone knowing what it really is. Take on initiates - only the holiest, most pure in heart, mind you - and then mutilate and sacrifice them. *throaty chuckle* I'll need a piece of land to build a big, fake church of Helm, and a lot of gold. If the Lich King can get me that, perfect.
What do I think of him? He gets my respect for being a Lich in the first place, and having the guts to call himself the King of Liches. But if he's not a disciple of Vecna, to the Hells with him. To me, he's just a means to an end. But you tell him I said that, and I'll hook your throat out.
His minions? Same thing. If they're part of the solution, I've got no problem with them. I don't see why they'd get in my way. Unless they take up paladin training or something, I'll fight alongside them.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got an appointment to keep with the young, misguided young lady from the tavern. You know the one.
(so, I'm okay with starting a new game. we have a long list of other stuff that needs to be run, certainly. if you wanna start another game, Nick, I'd rather like to play some more superheroes. otherwise, I suggest we make room for one of Lenny's, should time and inclination provide.)
(although, as much as I'd like to, I may do well not to get involved in a new game, given my lack of transportation. just thinking ahead.)
At 5:37 PM,
Duckmu said…
I should clarify my comment, but I'm not going to. After re-considering it, I was reading the sentance incorrectly. So why elaborate on an incorrect point?
Quack Quakc Emu Sound
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