I figured I'd take the time to post here while I'm still agonizing over a school project that i waited to the last minute to finish because I went to Atlanta to go have fun. I enjoyed the trip and I got to explore a lot more of the city this time. I played in the cheese-grinder again and I did much better. Although I didn't win, everybody admitted that my character was extremely cheesy. My 13th level monk had an AC of 39. Everything on the trip went well until I got back into Sacramento and found out that the airport had put my bag on another flight. Unfortunately my cell phone was in that bag since I had no service in georgia for some reason. so yeah thats about the size of it. I got a few neat stories from the con and I brought back some neat stuff which was stored in the misplaced bag (except for the bitchin' CXS shirt that I picked up on the last day). Oh and Happy belated birthday Liam.
At 1:23 PM,
Third said…
Hey, thanks dude!
What you doing this weekend?
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