Ok, so I haven't heard anything since my last post about D&D. I know several of my players are antsy and wishing to play, but I can't get a correct challenge level for this game without knowning what everyone is playing. I also can't get a decent story going if I don't know what my characters want. I can't just make up all of your background for you, and I need to know if the plot hooks will be something the characters will go for or something the players are going to go for because they know they're plot hooks. So yeah, I need information about my players and characters. I still don't even know if Carolyn is going to continue to play. If everyone continues to not help me out on this then there will end up being no game because I can't make something coherent.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
Quack Quack Emu Sound
At 6:53 PM,
John Ostermiller said…
I will, at some point in the near future, get you a history on Kempek.
At 2:37 AM,
Third said…
In all honesty, i feel quite bad for not caring about it as much as it feels like you want us to care about it, and as that's not fair to you, or to any of the other players because of the consequences that this apparently holds, i'll withdraw from the game.
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