Ok, so here's another update on D&D, sorta. Everyone involved in my game has some required reading. Because the game takes place in Eberron, you need to know about the area you're all gonna be in. So, it's time to read the sections in the book on "Q'Barra", the "Talenta Plains" and "Velnera." Basically everything on the south sides of the Talenra Plains. So yeah, read up on that. Also I would like to point out that one of the things that makes this an "Exalted" good game, as opposed to a game with all good alignments, is that the characters should have a higher purpose. That they strive for good, and right. They have a much higher morality than a standard good character, and don't just get by on a good alignments. Being Exalted good comes along with ideals and aspirations. I expect all characters to have this crucial character points to them, and I expect to see it not only in play but also in character building. Why did they choose the path they chose? What do they hope to accomplish with their life? Adrienne and Carolyn are gonna have a bit more work than othe rplayers with this but I do expect them to put some thought into this as well. But I expect every character to be morally upright. So yeah, don't forget about the required reading. I know not everyone has the Eberron book, but I know most of you can get it in pdf, or borrow it from someone. Don't ask me, Lenny has mine and then I'm gonna need it back to finish the campaign, so I suggest you start trying to get it read soon. For those of you whom I find did not do the reading, there will be a stiff penalty. That's all.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
Quack Quack Emu Sound
P.S. I don't know how often Carolyn checks this blog, but if someone would just mention it to her that there's a post she should read if she's going to continue playing in this game, that'd be great.
At 4:38 PM,
John Ostermiller said…
Are you going to be free today or tomorrow? I'd like to get you the Races of Eberron Book ASAP so I can know if the character I had in mind will work, but I've also got a back up ready just in case.
At 3:04 AM,
Third said…
i'm sure it sounds like i'm whining, but our required reading is dry like kosher salt. i managed to get through a paragraph and a half before i gave up. Is there anything in particular we need to know, or am i just going to have to deal with the consequences of not having done my reading? Seriously, i read Newton's Principia Mathematica and i can't read this setting stuff.
At 12:49 AM,
Duckmu said…
Well, the thing is, your charcter is from the area, so you should know so general information about where it is in the world that you are from. And I do think you're exaggerating it just a bit. It's not that bad.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
At 1:07 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
I found it interesting... Chase, do you just want my sheet(s) and the Races book on Sunday?
At 4:08 AM,
Third said…
i don't think i'm exaggerating. i meant it when i said i couldn't make it through two paragraphs. Seriously, if there's more than a few pertinent sentences, i'll just deal with not knowing them. If there aren't, please just sum it up. Maybe it's not so bad for you, but for me... well... i just can't do that.
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