The Knoll Blog

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Jeeze guys... only one lousy post? and here I went out of my way to finagle the use of a school computer just to hear tale of my friends hijinx, only to be disapointed at the lack there of. no hijinx!? whats this world come too? While I know it's only been a few days since I left, trust me, it feels like an eternity. I'm contimplating coming home, but then I'd be a much bigger falure then I allready am. GET TO THOSE HIJINX!

Oh, and on a side note:
Sierra, I'm very sorry I haven't been able to see you lately. I've been absurdly busy. I'll try to make time to see you when ever I get back home to visit. Assuming you haven't yet disowned me... I certenly haven't forgoten you. Your a sweety, and I'd hate to think that you thought that I think little of you. Capeche? I hope so. later folks


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