Well since I didn't get any response to my possibilities of a Thursday game and I have a very large test to prepare for on Wednesday there will be no D&D Thursday. I don't have time to make a dungeon this week, especially if no one seems to want to play all that badly this week anyway. Sorry guys. I still have Thursday of if anyone wants to do anything, but I might just play City of Heroes all day too. So lets see how things look for, say, next week and maybe we can play some D&D then.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
Quack Quack Emu Sound
At 12:33 PM,
John Ostermiller said…
Well, I assumed you were waiting on Carolyn and Adrienne (and Im sure you got Adrienne's response prompty since the two of you DO live together) and blogger does not agree with my ISP (stupid gAyOL) I didn't bother to respond. Oh well. Anyways, good luck on that test and we (as in the group) should do something sometime either today, wednesday, or thursday as its the first time I've had a free day in over a month. Oh yeah, I deleted my blog on blogger, but it still shows up for some reason.
If people want filler, they can find the filler journal on livejournal.
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