The Knoll Blog

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Okay, here's what's going on:
i know that Brian, Carolyn, Cody, John, Lenny and Neko have all expressed some level of interest in my BESM game, what i'd like to know now is:

1) Level of interest, so i know if you're actually interested, or just have nothing better to do

2) When would be a good time to arrange a game that works for everyone?

If i could get an update on that sort of thing, i'd be very appreciative.



  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger Brian Armitage said…

    I am very interested, if in-jokes and references don't get in the way of playing. That would be especially easy for this game.

    Unfortunately, I can't really offer a day when I'll always be available. I've been home on weekends pretty consistently, but I have a game going with Shannon on Sunday evening, and I hesitate to commit another day. Especially since there's a game I'm supposed to be running myself, and we have a lot of loose ends to tie up in other chronicles.

    The idea appeals to me greatly. Dune is an ideal roleplaying setting. I think parts of the first book read much like one of our sessions. But as my schedule goes, the timing is not so great.

  • At 12:37 AM, Blogger John Ostermiller said…

    1.) I would say I'm interested to a degree, but what I've told you before still stands. I haven't started Dune, and I still haven't finished the book I have on loan from Adrienne. So I wouldn't be any good as it stands.

    2.) I'm going to have Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays off. I'll be in school roughly 9am-1pm on Tues and Thursday. Wednesday I took off to have a free day. I still, however, have a game I'm currently commited to, and can't say how that will fall shcedule-wise. Additionally, I'm studying up to twice a week Sunday and Saturdays with my Sifu.

    The Verdict: I'm not as qualified to play as the others probably are, and I'm not super flexible schedule-wise. So rather then add another problem player, put me on the second string list.


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