Okay... so with Chase terminating Solar/Abyssal and a lack of interest in the current V:TM game...
I'm calling for a meeting at Carolyn's @ 1pm this Saturday.
I have an idea for a new game that is neither Exalted nor WoD based... and that would be Mutants & Masterminds. Now I know Chase has voiced a rather lack of interest in Super Heroes in the past... but I really think this is worth a shot. I would like to make it modular so people can come and go, and Nick has given the game his stamp of approval. As for exact setting, I'll leave that up to discussion. My intial choice is to use the provided setting, which is neither DC nor Marvel but a really cool world of its own with a unique flavor. But I think we should talk about what we do and don't want to see.
So yeah. Carolyn's house. Saturday. 1pm.
I'm calling for a meeting at Carolyn's @ 1pm this Saturday.
I have an idea for a new game that is neither Exalted nor WoD based... and that would be Mutants & Masterminds. Now I know Chase has voiced a rather lack of interest in Super Heroes in the past... but I really think this is worth a shot. I would like to make it modular so people can come and go, and Nick has given the game his stamp of approval. As for exact setting, I'll leave that up to discussion. My intial choice is to use the provided setting, which is neither DC nor Marvel but a really cool world of its own with a unique flavor. But I think we should talk about what we do and don't want to see.
So yeah. Carolyn's house. Saturday. 1pm.
At 10:26 PM,
Third said…
Since i plan on being absent for the meeting in question, i'd like to cast my absentee vote. As usual, i'm against starting a new game. Tell yourself all the usual excuses i give about stretching us too thin, and starting things we don't finish, but the bottom line is i just don't really want to.
Pietas, Fidelis, Gloria.
At 2:45 PM,
Third said…
i definitely agree with Carolyn, on all accounts. With regards to the way we play; yep, we're all smashy-smashy. The exceptions to this have been when we're in small groups of people who don't feel like they need to compete, and the ST has a good story in mind, which i think is why Brian's BESM game had such a good start. Mostly it's just that when we get together, we're all so puffed up trying to prove something to each other that our party can't even get down a road without in-fighting going on, much less listen to the few people with genuinely good, inspired ideas, who refuse to blatantly inflict these plans on the group (Coughcoughcoughadriennecoughcough). Because of this, i think, there's been a big drive to play games where one group of us are "The Bad Guys" and the other group of us are "The Other Group's Bad Guys" and we fight every session as a result of some shallow, contrived plot that for no good reason gets us in the same place at the same time. i'll just watch reruns of saturday morning cartoons, if that's going to be our next trend. That way i can save myself the trouble of acting like i'm roleplaying. This isn't supposed to be a "We should all be ashamed of ourselves" post, but getting it out in the open, i find that i am. If it's all the same to everyone else, i'd just as soon improve on the games we have; the Dragon Blooded Game, Brian's BESM Game, and Lenny's Abyssal Game, rather than contrive new ways to shuffle points around a sheet so that we can come out looking like the James Bond of the (insert RP system setting) world.
At 2:55 PM,
Third said…
Now that i've had a few minutes to reflect on it, i'm also ashamed of that comment. To hell with rationalizing all this crap. If you're going to try a Superheroes game, i'll try it. i'm not going to pass judgement on something until i've tried it.
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