The Knoll Blog

Thursday, May 13, 2004

For the players of my Abyssals game:
Since the last session got a little out of hand I thought I'd post the situation here in order to give you guys some time to think of a plan. Rest assured I have a plan of my own to salvage the situation, but if you guys can pull this off without requiring a gm ex machina you will all be rewarded handsomely. The situation is not nearly as hopeless as it seems or as I'm probably about to make it seem.

Upon defeating the last member of your circle, Ajusa calls for his remaining guards to collect your broken bodies and cast them into the pit so that they may spend their last breath regretting their folly as The Beast devours them. As the guards drag your bodies away, the searing tentacles of magma sink back into the ground and the black iron segments of the golem fall of to reveal a greivously wounded Ajusa. You are all brought into a large room with pulsating symbols on the walls and a large pit in the center. The guards take all your visible weapons and armor cast you into the pit. You all fall into a room with mirrors covering the walls, floor, and ceiling. To the right is a hallway with the word "library" crudely scratched in old realm on the wall. On the left is an unmarked hallway leading into darkness.

And now for your covenience. the summarized condition of the party.

- Everyone is at the -4 health level
- All the weapons have been taken, and everybody's armor except Carolyn's since it was hidden under clothing. Nothing else was taken.
- Everybody's essence pool if full (not including blood feast essence).
- You have 48 hours to get out.

well that's all for now, if you have any questions other than "what the hell do we do?" Post them here and I'll answer them if I can.


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