The Knoll Blog

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Soul Stat:
The Soul stat is a measure of a character's ability to form his own destiny. Different characters will refer to this trait as Soul, Spirit, Karma, Fate, Luck and the like. Points of permanent soul can ONLY be bought with experience, and a character has a temporary soul pool equal to his permanent rating. The uses of a character's soul pool are many:

By expending a temporary soul point, a character can add a number of dice equal to his permanent rating to any pool. However, once a character has depleted his temporary soul pool, he loses one point of permanent rating, and is given a temporary pool equal to his new rating. Buying a new point of soul while a pool is partly depleted does not refill the pool, it adds one temporary point to it.

Also, by expending a point of temporary willpower, the character can use his permanent soul stat instead of any other stat for a single pool. For instance:
Pixel Truman has found himself in a test of strength against a neighborhood tough; if he wins, he keeps his life and wins the affection of his unrequited love. If he fails, he is doomed to death... or worse. Unfortunately, while he's been in a fight or two before (brawl 3), his opponent is much bigger than he is, and his Strength 2 just isn't going to cut it. Fortunately, he has Soul 4, and by spending a willpower point, he can use his legendary good luck to even the odds, but not quite enough to ensure success...

Lastly, a character can expend a point of permanent Soul at any time before his actual death (Usually the end of any scene in which he is brought below incap) to rise immediately back to one level above incap without any assistance. In the presence of very competent medical care, such as an Ambulance Rescue Team or an Intensive Care Unit, the character may do the same by spending only a temporary point of soul. This use reflects bullets', swords' and the like's tendancies to conveniently miss vital organs. This trick cannot be used if the character is beyond even a medical miracle: dismembered, reduced to ash, ejected into vacuum, and the like are all examples of a permanent and irrevocable loss of life.

Aggrosofts are viruses, as well as softwares that enhance a character's stats in Cyberspace. The include Cyberweapons, as well as software that attacks another user directly, as opposed to
Icebreakers, which attack a system's mainframe computer.
Constructs are partial or full personalities used to assist, teach or supplant expertise that the character already posesses.
Implants are cybernetics hardwired into the nervous system. While they are fully prosthetic, and include all the force-feedback and the like to make them fully functional, they are essentially just tools.
Genetics Mods are rewrites of a character's genetic code; and they are tools, but irreversably applied.
Biomods are cyberware that has been entirely worked into a character's body, and function as such. These implants are NOT supplementary, and are ALWAYS on. Kerenzikov boosters are an example of a Biomod.
All three of these traits have a Willpower cost, variable to the wetware they entail.

Firstly, i will NOT be using any kind of class/career limitations on characters, since i think it would be disruptive to players who wanted characters that don't quite fit into the square holes. The first five levels of Mind should be Dazed, Confused, Disrupted, Affected, Altered; it was a typo on my part, and i'm getting to editing it. As far as Occult and Meditation, i'm sure that the work of Gibson can provide ALL manner of uses for both, such as the Voudou religion practiced by the Zionists of Count Zero, and the long periods of introspective, focused working in Johnny Mnemonic. Remember, not all people meditate by lighting incense, curling into lotus position on a cushion and chanting a mantra. i myself meditate flat on my back, eyes half open, with hardcore metal blasting in my earphones, among other ways.
Surprisingly, these are all issues that i'd already had in mind; and there are many more that have yet to make it into solid writing. Please keep the feedback coming, and the form of this game will rise all the swifter.



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