The Knoll Blog

Thursday, April 15, 2004

I would like to take one thing back about the stocks real quick. Ostermiller's charater was not raped, you were just starting to annoy me Ostermiller, so yeah. Sorry about that. And thank you Brian, that also gives me a lot more insight into your character.

I would like to apoligise to my players for the way the game went. Brian totaly threw me, and that's fine we're not playing rewind the universe, but I did miss out on giving you good discriptions of the primogen and those will come later this week on the knoll blog and just pretend I told you these things as you met them. The next session will begin the day after release from the stocks and so everyone knows you will all have 5 blood points and be one level above incap. Bloodied and bruised, but alive.(Unless Brian finds a way to get you out early...) Hopefully I haven't soured anyone on the game. ANd I would like to apoligise specifically to Carolyn as she got kinda screwed out of the session and has to change her motives and goals as a charter because she was gonna be the mole and find out your secrets. But if you haven't lost your taste for the game, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Quack Quack Emu SOund


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