The Knoll Blog

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Hopefully this annoying development will not hinder the groups too much, but if it's a problem I would be more then happy to discuss solutions privately with those running said games. As for the Solar game currently in development, if I could get Codys sheet at his earliest convience that would be great. From what I understand, Lenny's is done and Chadrienne are close to being finished as well. Carolyn, let me know how yours is coming along and if you need more help.

Finally, in response to Chase's request for feedback, I have a general obsevation I'd like to share. I've notice that Liam's presence around games he is not playing in is usually disruptive in one way or another. (This isn't just in Chase's game, but other's as well.) When we were playing DnD last week, Liam was calling Lenny and Cody over in the middle of the game to the computer to show them his email (he even tried to show Nick as well, who was trying to move the story along). I believe this leads to a general degredation of the gaming experience as people getting up and leaving the table encourages others to do so as well.

Chadrienne will back me up on this.

When we were playing BESM, they were quietly reading in the backyard. When Brian ran BESM several months ago and I was not interested in playing, I quietly sat at the counter and worked on my Pocket Monsters game. Carolyn, who has been in the VTM game almost the whole time, maybe missing one session, has never been disruptive even when she was not playing much (or at all). She has sat in on Brian's BESM game and not played, instead quietly observing rather then distracting people. I'm not adverse to company or spectators, but I AM adverse to disruptive people who make snide comments about the game or try to distract players as the game is in progress.

So yeah, I guess I better duck and cover now.


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