The Knoll Blog

Sunday, April 25, 2004

For a look at MY old character sheet, please see the link below:

Again, i apologize for the enormity of it.
Fortunately for me, saving it in a smaller, monochrome format all but eliminated most of my pencil marks, hiding how terrible he was.
i've tried to balance out the sheet (and the game) in favor of those who intend to play something other than a generic deckrunner. The Wares section has been totally changed, while cosmetic changes have been made elsewhere to make the page come together better. Mostly, i was just totally bugged by how much it looked like a mage sheet someone had taped alternate titles over in stat-specific spots, then photocopied (which it was).

When i said submissions, i was thinking more along the lines of cybernetics, hardware, software, with game mechanics to go along with a description, much like in Exalted Compendium
(By the way, if any of you haven't been there, it's impressive, IM me for the link.)
and i'll look over them, balance anything i think seems to ungainly, that sort of thing. Also welcome would be ideas about how to work the progression of the Soul stat, which replaced the Skill stat. i've got a few ideas, but i'd like submissions on how progressing along that trait might expand your abilities. It's a bit tricky, since i've decided to use the same stat, regardless of whether the character is a Deckrunner, a Souped-Up cyberninja, a mad scientist/techhead, rock star, whatever.
This is not to say that ideas for NPCs, locations, even plots are not welcome, it's just to say don't expect to run across a location/plot/character that you designed and intimately understand. In spite of ourselves, many of us tend to metagame subconsciously (or consciously). Like i said, if there's enough appeal, i'll start up a game.



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