The Knoll Blog

Monday, April 26, 2004

Character Generation for starting characters is as follows:
Attributes: 6/5/4 (Plus any gained from Wetware)
Abilities: 11/7/4 (Plus and gained from Software)
Wares: 3/2/1 or 4/2/0
Backgrounds: 9 (Coming soon! Submissions? Use/Alterations of previous WW backgrounds?)
Starting Access: Equal to highest Software rating
Willpower: 4
Soul: 3

Concerning the Soul pool regeneration:
In keeping with the karmic nature of Soul, and it's affects on reality and fate, the temporary soul pool only replenishes normally when a character empties it entirely and goes down a rating. Characters with Soul 1 cannot use their single point, and in terms of destiny, count as normal people, rather than extraordinary. The only exception to this rule is that each character, every time he botches a roll, gains points of temporary soul equal to the number of ones rolled on the botch. This reflects fate's acknowledgement that it's screwed a character over, and that it "owes him."

More later, and as submissions come in!



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