I certainly voted in this last, small, yet very important election as well as in the recall the idiot some other people elected as governor because I couldn't vote yet. I would also like to put forth the point that G.W. has made alot fo mistakes and as president he should pay for them, monetarily. How much as he cost this county on an unjustified war built on unreliable information that he said was totally correct? Well I think he should have to pay it all back. Every penny and maybe someone of his more vocal supports too. Why the hell do we need to blow up Iraq if they really had no chemical weapons? Why did he contiune to insist that there were weapons when his chief weapons inspector said there were none? Because he's a jerk. He cheated the election because his brother got him the state that won it for him. Well this time....I really hope people aren't stupid enough to vote for him again. And for any of you who have not looked at it throughly, look up the U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act. Yes that's right, it stands for something. It's a menicale little thing and really should have him stricken from the history books. But anyway, I'm done talking about Bush, I don't like him to say the least. But yeah, don't be late Wednesday. I have plans for stuff that people will be doing. ANd one last thing(I know I sound like I'm ragging on Cody alot, but he needs it) When we play. STAY AT THE TABLE!!! None of this wandering off crap. If you wander off other people wander off and then everything goes to hell. SO yeah.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
Quack Quack Emu Sound
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