The Knoll Blog

Friday, March 05, 2004

And on that note I'd like to state for the record that I do not like George W. Also, don't forget about Vampire on Wednesday at 6:30. I would like to reiterate to Cody that he needs to work much more in character and less telling people everything about who you're working for. I would like to put into this also that now that you are out in the work there will be a chance for characters to die, and not come back. Know that if youre character dies it's nothing personal, but it could happen. And don't even begin to whine about it if your character dies Ostermiller because you jumped into the line of fire without thinking, as you are prone to do. And so, I dislike George W. very much and think he needs to not be re elected. There, something other than roleplaying and roleplaying both in the same post. My head hurts, I say the Crucible at AR tonight and generally plays give me headaches, as do movies. I know this really isn't of any several importancde to anyone but it happens. it also seems to happen when I go to movies so I think it has something to do wiht the lighting and the darkness that I am submerged in. I may just have to give up on theatres altogether, but I probobly wont.

Quack Quakc Emu Sound


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