The Knoll Blog

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Well, I see that this poses a problem for some of us then. I know that when this group was first formed for the Monster Campaign, Chase made it very clear that I would either make the time to play and show up or I would be left out. I respect the GM's rule that I would not recieve preferential treatment, but I feel like this is being bent for other people... my schedule was to accomodate the game, and now I find the game accomodating other people's schedules. I'd say thats a tad unfair...

I understand that it is difficult to run a coherent game during classes, especially during the holidays. And I appreciate the hardwork each and everyone of our GM's have put into their games. But lately, it seems like we havent had a coherent game. Either I'm gone or Brian's working or someones sick, and it ruins the whole thing. What's the point of getting together to kibitz for 4-5 hours and wait for someone? I joined on for a specific reason: I knew who we'd playing with and when, and that it'd be a quality campaign.

I know I'm not the most credible person in the world with many of you. And I know I bitch alot and I've tried to write this is in a non confrontational way, and probably failed. But I speak for more then one person when I say I want to play earlier. I want us to play coherent games with a stable group. I could rant on and on about other things, but that is besides the point. I want the same thing all of us do: Good, quality roleplaying.


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