Okay, this is probably going to sound totally uncalled for and it's going to seem like i'm a total bastard, but here goes:
i'm coming to Chase's defense. And since i'm rarely if ever there for Saturdays, i hope i can be seen as at least mostly impartial.
John, i'm very sorry you're not getting what you want out of the group sessions.
That said, doesn't it seem a bit selfish to insist on your own schedule?
Personally, when i hear about your utter disregard for how much sleep Lenny is getting, i get angry and offended on his behalf, which i shouldn't have to do. He made a point of asking if the game could start later, and everyone (Everyone but you, it seems) agreed that it was not only perfectly okay to accomodate his sleep schedule, but even that to do otherwise would be downright rude. The same goes for Brian, Chase and Adrienne's illnesses. i mean, who do you think you are, that you have the right to insist that these people who do their damndest to accomodate you anyways, and who put up with constant abuse in the form of your offhandedly sleighting anyone you're perturbed with, should just show up to gratify you, in spite of their physical conditions or alterior stressors?
i'm very sorry that nobody seems to want to play with you during the week. But that's how it goes, John. For most people, school is a priority over roleplaying. That's why we started getting together on the weekends. i'd point out as well that several of us have given you numerous opportunities to play the Marvel Campaign that you asked every single one of us if we would be interested in, and that all but one or two of these sessions degraded into a session of "getting together to kibitz" because you "Didn't feel like running" the game you all asked us to make characters for. On that same note, what's the matter with getting together and hanging out? Granted, you don't get the ego-boost of really clobbering that hypothetical goblin with your +5 Sword of Radioactive Zombie Slaying, but on the flipside, you get to ~gasp~ enjoy the presence of people you like to think of as friends! i mean, if you're not doing that, and this is all another manifestation of John's incessant need to be the head of the giant robot, i think it might as well end now, and save us all the trouble of being mad at you.
In both Adrienne and Chase's defense, both are trying to show up REGULARLY, with new ideas to bring to the story, thus ensuring a COHERENT game. So if the games that DO happen, whatever their duration, are both coherent and regular (That is, occuring on Saturdays), your only complaint seems to be that they're not occuring when you want them to, and i think i've addressed that point by now. In case, i haven't, let's make it clear.
If it's coherent games with a stable group on your schedule that you want, you're in the wrong group John. If that's not apparent by now either, let me state that in no unclear terms as well. It was said from the very beginning that some people wouldn't be there for every session, and that allowances would be made for this. If you want to do something about that, and/or you'd like to play earlier in the day, i'd suggest that instead of demanding your way and insisting on using somebody else's house around YOUR schedule without regard for what he has to say about it, you try to find a time when everyone you want to play with is free, and then you invite THAT group over to YOUR place for the game. You can then proceed to be the one who keeps everyone on task and playing to your own will. Brian and Nick would make powerful legs, i'm sure, and Chase and Adrienne are almost natural choices for arms. If you don't mind waiting for him to wake up, Lenny could probably be persuaded to be the torso, and then, in YOUR house, running YOUR game, that YOU planned, on YOUR time with YOUR schedule in mind, then and only then will you be the giant robot head of your dreams. UNTIL THAT TIME! Be prepared to make COMPROMISES that favor the others that you DEPEND on. There are a few key word in that last sentence, see if you can spot them. They're sort of integral terms one uses when one describes good, working relationships with other people. If these elements are not present, someone is going to be discontent, and the whole relationship goes to hell.
i'm coming to Chase's defense. And since i'm rarely if ever there for Saturdays, i hope i can be seen as at least mostly impartial.
John, i'm very sorry you're not getting what you want out of the group sessions.
That said, doesn't it seem a bit selfish to insist on your own schedule?
Personally, when i hear about your utter disregard for how much sleep Lenny is getting, i get angry and offended on his behalf, which i shouldn't have to do. He made a point of asking if the game could start later, and everyone (Everyone but you, it seems) agreed that it was not only perfectly okay to accomodate his sleep schedule, but even that to do otherwise would be downright rude. The same goes for Brian, Chase and Adrienne's illnesses. i mean, who do you think you are, that you have the right to insist that these people who do their damndest to accomodate you anyways, and who put up with constant abuse in the form of your offhandedly sleighting anyone you're perturbed with, should just show up to gratify you, in spite of their physical conditions or alterior stressors?
i'm very sorry that nobody seems to want to play with you during the week. But that's how it goes, John. For most people, school is a priority over roleplaying. That's why we started getting together on the weekends. i'd point out as well that several of us have given you numerous opportunities to play the Marvel Campaign that you asked every single one of us if we would be interested in, and that all but one or two of these sessions degraded into a session of "getting together to kibitz" because you "Didn't feel like running" the game you all asked us to make characters for. On that same note, what's the matter with getting together and hanging out? Granted, you don't get the ego-boost of really clobbering that hypothetical goblin with your +5 Sword of Radioactive Zombie Slaying, but on the flipside, you get to ~gasp~ enjoy the presence of people you like to think of as friends! i mean, if you're not doing that, and this is all another manifestation of John's incessant need to be the head of the giant robot, i think it might as well end now, and save us all the trouble of being mad at you.
In both Adrienne and Chase's defense, both are trying to show up REGULARLY, with new ideas to bring to the story, thus ensuring a COHERENT game. So if the games that DO happen, whatever their duration, are both coherent and regular (That is, occuring on Saturdays), your only complaint seems to be that they're not occuring when you want them to, and i think i've addressed that point by now. In case, i haven't, let's make it clear.
If it's coherent games with a stable group on your schedule that you want, you're in the wrong group John. If that's not apparent by now either, let me state that in no unclear terms as well. It was said from the very beginning that some people wouldn't be there for every session, and that allowances would be made for this. If you want to do something about that, and/or you'd like to play earlier in the day, i'd suggest that instead of demanding your way and insisting on using somebody else's house around YOUR schedule without regard for what he has to say about it, you try to find a time when everyone you want to play with is free, and then you invite THAT group over to YOUR place for the game. You can then proceed to be the one who keeps everyone on task and playing to your own will. Brian and Nick would make powerful legs, i'm sure, and Chase and Adrienne are almost natural choices for arms. If you don't mind waiting for him to wake up, Lenny could probably be persuaded to be the torso, and then, in YOUR house, running YOUR game, that YOU planned, on YOUR time with YOUR schedule in mind, then and only then will you be the giant robot head of your dreams. UNTIL THAT TIME! Be prepared to make COMPROMISES that favor the others that you DEPEND on. There are a few key word in that last sentence, see if you can spot them. They're sort of integral terms one uses when one describes good, working relationships with other people. If these elements are not present, someone is going to be discontent, and the whole relationship goes to hell.
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