The Knoll Blog

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Neko, you are a shmuck. But we love you anyway. =) Happy late Birthday! Sorry I couldn't get online earlier to wish it to you in time.

Actually Chase and I were considering starting it a little later, like 1-2:00ish. We've caught The Death and I don't know how sane I'll be hyped up on cold medicine. To everyone else, please let us know what time is good for you (or if you're going to be gone), our schedules are open to change.

No Neko for Saturday means we're probably playing evil unless someone has a better idea. More stuff will be going on with that now that the T.O.M. initiation/trials are over with (at least I hope they are). =)

For those of you who weren't there last time we played evil (Neko =P... Liam, Tim, Doli...) please level your characters up to 5. I'm going to have everyone advance at about the same rate since it's hard to get everyone to play all at once. The people who show up will have the bonus of actually playing their character plus any in game goodies (unless Chase's character steals them first). =P I will, however, make sure your characters stay safe if you are not able to play them (ie: missing a session will not mean you'll have a dead/dismembered character when you get back).

Thanks for the invite to Thursdays but I think I'll pass, I'm not really into the Marvel kind of stuff. =)


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