The Knoll Blog

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Martin: Did you go to your high-school reunion?
Marcella: Yes, I did. It was just as if everybody had swelled.
-Grosse Pointe Blank

I've realized something. Something awful. When you enter high school, you're told that the next four years of your life will ready you for everything that comes thereafter. The classes you take and the experiences you have will form you as a person, and prepare you for the rest of your life. Somewere along the way, I realized that this notion was total crap. With a few important exceptions, the events of high school were totally blown out of proportion. The importance of the meaningless (standardized tests) and the temporary (popularity) was overemphasized to the point of exhaustion. Flying hormones and angst made trivial events seem vital, and put petty concerns at the center of the universe. And this is supposed to get us ready for the rest of our lives?

In the breakroom at my old job, I sat for a few moments, having worked for hours on a task that meant nothing to me, but was supposed to provide money for my future. I listened to conversations around me, and snippets of sex jokes, trash talk, and gushing about the latest reality TV found my ears. Suddenly, my brain felt itchy. I thought to myself... I feel like I'm still in high school.

I've heard several of my friends say it. Just like high school. All the immaturity, social posturing, academics...

...high school really does prepare you for the rest of your life.

Just a little pessimistic about society at the moment,
Brian, the Razorclown

[the children gather around the cage and watch as the hamster runs on its wheel]
Miss Bitters: Take a good look, children. It will prepare you for your adult lives in our nightmarish corporate system!
-Invader Zim, "Hamstergeddon"


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