*Enters the swiss swilling, cheddar chomping, goudha gnashin peace monkey battle rage*
ow...stubbing toes HURTS
An abridged I THINK (full list on my blog, updated regularly)
....Gray Davis Fucking sux...
...Tatooing to be 'en vogue' is just plain stupid....
...Eminem a talented individual.Disturbed, but talented...
...Most celebrities need to shut their pie holes...
...Neuromancer should be required reading...
...Music shouldnt be butched so "family friendly" stores will sell it...
...Laser Tag shoud be a physical education class...
...Old Navy commercials need to STOP...
...The Recent Metallica needs to go away...
ow...stubbing toes HURTS
An abridged I THINK (full list on my blog, updated regularly)
....Gray Davis Fucking sux...
...Tatooing to be 'en vogue' is just plain stupid....
...Eminem a talented individual.Disturbed, but talented...
...Most celebrities need to shut their pie holes...
...Neuromancer should be required reading...
...Music shouldnt be butched so "family friendly" stores will sell it...
...Laser Tag shoud be a physical education class...
...Old Navy commercials need to STOP...
...The Recent Metallica needs to go away...
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